- Köchy, M. (2019)
- Systemische Ansätze in der Agrarforschung, Erfahrungen mit dem Umbau von Wissenssystemen. Expertengespräch im Rahmen der Zukunftswerkstatt Landwirtschaft der LfL Bayern „Zukunftsfähige betriebliche Systeme entwickeln und bewerten“, 17.-18. July 2019. Achselschwang.
- Köchy, M., M. Banse, and R. Tiffin (2015)
- Modelling European Agriculture with Climate Change for Food Security (FACCE MACSUR). Integrating Climate Change Adaptation (ECCA 2015: The Second biennial ‘European Climate Change Adaptation Conference’). 12–14 May 2015, Copenhagen (Denmark).
- Köchy, M. (2014)
- The knowledge hub ‘FACCE MACSUR’: modelling European agriculture with climate change for food security. Page 105 in Lemke, P., K. Grosfeld, R. Treffeisen, M. Weigelt, and REKLIM coordination office, editors. International REKLIM conference “Our Climate – Our Future, Regional perspectives on a global challenge”: 6–9 October, 2014. Terra Nostra 2014/1. GeoUnion Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung, Berlin (Germany). [Abstract]
- Köchy, M. (2013)
- Common assumptions about future agricultural trends across MACSUR integrated case studies. Global Food Security Challenges – European Research approaches: Case studies in MACSUR TradeM. Müncheberg (Germany). [Presentation (PDF)]
- Banse, M., M. Köchy, and R. Tiffin (2013)
- MACSUR – A European network of crop, livestock and trade modelling activities for assessing impacts of climate change on food security. 2nd Scientific Conference. United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification. Bonn [Book of abstract]
- Köchy, M. (2012)
- The FACCE knowledge hub 'MACSUR'. FACCE JPI Mapping Meeting on Core Theme 3: Assessing and reducing tradeoffs: food production, biodiversity & ecosystems services. Dublin (Ireland).
- Köchy, M. (2011)
- Baseline Monitoring of Nano Particles in the Environment. Eighth Plenary Session of the Group on Earth Observations (GEO-VIII). Istanbul (Turkey). [Abstract]
- Köchy, M., and A. Freibauer (2011)
- Hotspots of loss of soil organic C under climate and land use change. GEO-Carbon Conference: Carbon in a changing world. Rome [Abstract]
- Köchy, M. (2011)
- Assessment of global soil C vulnerability. Mapping of soil carbon stocks at the global scale — International workshop for advancing global carbon monitoring with respect to soil carbon mapping. Leuven (Belgium).
- Köchy, M. (2011)
- Contribution of land use and climate to changes in the global soil carbon mass. GINKGO Meeting. Hamburg (Germany). [Abstract]
- Köchy, M. (2010)
- Global assessment of soil carbon vulnerability using a Bayesian Belief Network. GINKGO Meeting. Frankfurt/Main (Germany). [Abstract]
- Köchy, M. (2009)
- Data use and sharing in ICOS. 2nd GENESI-DR Workshop on EO policy issues. 4. December 2009, Madrid, Spain.
- Köchy, M. (2009)
- A common ecosystemic currency for assessing regional tradeoffs in ecosystem services. Joint Actions on Climate Change. Aalborg. [Abstract] [Presentation (PDF)]
- Köchy, M., D. Malkinson, and F. Jeltsch (2008)
- Scaling of interactions between individuals to landscape patterns. EURECO 2008 and 37. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Ökologie. Leipzig (Germany). Verh. Ges. Ökol. 38:181. [Abstract (PDF)]
- Köchy, M., D. Malkinson, and F. Jeltsch (2008)
- Bottom-up modelling of climate change impacts on ecological systems. Workshop "Climate Change and its Implication for
Ecosystem Dynamics and Functioning", Zentrum für Interdisziplinäre Forschung, Bielefeld (Germany). [Abstract]
- Köchy, M. (2007)
- Grazing capacity of Middle East landscapes under constrasting climate change scenarios. 36. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Öklogie. Marburg (Germany). Verh. Ges. Ökol. 37:137. [Abstract]
- Köchy, M. (2007)
- Food resources for small livestock in semi-arid and Mediteranean landscapes under climate change. 92. Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America. San José, California (U.S.A.).[Abstract] [Presentation (PDF, 2.7 MB)]
- Köchy, M. (2006)
- Opposite trends in life stages of annual plants caused by daily rainfall variability — interaction with climate change. Pages 347-357 in Ünal, Y., C. Kahya, and D. Demirhan Barı, editors. Proceedings of the International Conference on Climate Change and the Middle East: Past, Present and Future. Turkish State Meteorological Service (DMI), Ankara, Turkey.
- Köchy, M., and F. Jeltsch (2005)
- Standing crop of an abundant grass species is not affected by rainfall intensity. 35. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Ökologie. Regensburg (Germany). Verh. Ges. Ökol. 35:250. [Abstract]
- Köchy, M., and F. Jeltsch (2005)
- Standing crop of an abundant grass species is not affected by rainfall intensity. 90. Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America and IX International Congress of Ecology. Montréal, Québec (Canada). [Abstract]
- Köchy, M., and K. Tielbörger (2003)
- Rainfall distribution and persistence of populations of semi-desert annuals. 88. Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America. Savannah, Georgia (U.S.A.). Bull. Ecol. Soc. Am. 75 Suppl. 2: 115.[Abstract]
- Köchy, M., and K. Tielbörger (2003)
- Rainfall distribution and persistence of populations of semi-desert annuals. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Ökologie. Halle (Germany). [Abstract] Verh. Ges. Ökol. 33:347.
- Köchy, M., and S. Bråkenhielm (2001)
- Vegetation trends in relation to decreasing atmospheric deposition in southern Sweden 1983-1996. 86. Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America. Madison, Wisconsin (U.S.A.). [Abstract]
- Bråkenhielm, S., and M. Köchy (2001)
- Effects of global warming on trees and understorey plants at Swedish IM sites - a tentative approach. ICP IM 9th Task Force meeting. 3-5 May, Rome (Italy). [Abstract]
- Köchy, M., and S. D. Wilson (1998)
- Forest expansion into grassland and its relationship to nitrogen deposition and availability. Page 230 in A. Farina, J. Kennedy, and V. Bossù, editors. Proceedings of the VII International Congress of Ecology 19-25 July 1998, Firenze - Italy. [Abstract]
- Köchy, M., and S. D. Wilson (1995)
- Vegetation change and nitrogen deposition in six Canadian national Parks. 80. Annual Meeting of the Eclogical Society of America. Snowbird, Utah (USA), 1995. Bull. Ecol. Soc. Am. 76 Suppl. 2: 145. [Abstract]
- Köchy, M., and S. D. Wilson (1994).
- Abiotic, species, and habitat controls of litter decomposition in prairie and forest. 79. Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America. Knoxville, Tennessee (USA), 7.-11.8.1994. Bull. Ecol. Soc. Am. 75 Suppl.2:115. [Abstract]
- Köchy, M. (1993)
- Species Richness of Habitat Islands in Sweden and Saskatchewan based on per-unit area sampling. 27. Annual Prairie University Biology Seminars. Regina, Saskatchewan (Canada), 25.- 27.2. 1993.
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